TAKE ACTION–Say No to Toxic Turf

Please Take Action to Protect Our Parks from Toxic Waste tire products. NO TOXIC TURF.

BOYCOTT GAP, Old Navy, Banana Republic.

There is absolutely NO conclusive evidence that Toxic Waste tire derived products are Healthy.

Toxic Waste tires contain over 200 known and unknown chemicals. Many of these chemicals are known or presumed to be Cancer causing (view the NBC News Report). A number of others (Endocrine disruptive chemicals) are linked to Developmental Disorders in children (read the Lancet Article).

Why does the City of San Francisco’s Recreation and Park Department put Toxic Waste tire products on children’s playfields and playgrounds? It could be, simply, that they can. Since Rec & Park management operates Our Parks as an Enterprise Agency and uses Private Partners as part of their strategic plan, it’s pretty clear that their #1 priority is Money. It’s a fact that Rec & Park gets paid to use Toxic Waste tire products in Our Parks. What they do with the money is anybody’s guess.

What can we do to Stop Toxic Turf and Toxic Waste tire products from being dumped in Our Parks?

BOYCOTT GAP, Old Navy, Banana Republic. The BillionHeirs who own these companies invest their profits in Toxic Turf construction.


1. Sign the petition to tell CalRecycle (California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery) to stop paying Municipalities to dump Toxic Waste tire products in children’s playgrounds and playfields.  *Note: this petition is now closed.  SIGN THE PETITION

2. Contact your representative on the Board of Supervisors and tell them you don’t want Toxic Waste tire products in Our Parks. CALL OR EMAIL THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS

3. Contact the office of Mayor Ed Lee and tell him you don’t want Toxic Waste tire products in Our Parks.


4. Contact the Public Utilities Commission and tell them you would like them to use their state of the art lab to test the Toxic Wastewater that runs off Toxic Turf fields into our combined sewer system and the Toxic Sludge being stored in transfer boxes underground next to those fields. The City should intervene on a Citizen Enforcement Action that has been filed on this Rec and Park activity that’s being done without a permit.

EMAIL THE PUC  info@sfwater.org


PUC General Manager’s Office (415) 554-3155

5. Contact the San Francisco Department of Health (Children’s Environmental Health Program) and register your concern about Toxic Turf and unnecessarily exposing Children to Toxic Waste tire products.

CONTACT Children’s Environmental Health

One thought on “TAKE ACTION–Say No to Toxic Turf

  1. And perhaps we should contact the City Attorney’s Office or the state Attorney-General regarding the relationship between Mark Buell, Phil Ginsburg, Gavin Newsom and the Fisher brothers.

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